Saturday, September 29, 2007

Laptop Sleeve

I found this over atThornberry. I think it would make a nice gift for my sister or my brother-in-law or just about anyone I know (or you know) with a laptop.

And here's a great thread from Craftster on a different version of the same thing. This one has the sleeve with a matching messenger bag. My sis would love this too as "matching" is of the utmost importance to her.

This one is also very funky and I like the idea of maybe some really funky Japanese or Moroccan fabrics for this...hmmmmm.....

If you know of any more really good tutorials for a a laptop sleeve, please share them with me. I need something ultra-masculine for my brother-in-law...hmmmmm. Leather? I've never worked with that. Corduroy? Not sure.

Anyway, let me know if you make one or it inspires you to do something else like it. I'll try to post pics if I do one.

1 comment:

Gumbo Lily said...

Another great idea, Michele! You're so ambitious. (I'm just not feelin' it)
