Saturday, April 12, 2008

Then Sings My Soul - "Grace Like Rain"

Just sit quietly and listen with your heart to each beautiful, unbelievably TRUE word. What more can I say but "Hallelujah!"


Melanie said...

This is such a great song! So glad you shared it with us this week.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by my place!
Come back again.

ocean mommy said...

Praise you Jesus for Grace!

Thanks for sharing

Christina said...

Great song. I am going to play it right now.

Christina said...

Wow, what a clip. Very hard to watch, but most important.

God's girl said...

OH I just love this one too!
That song will never get old to me.
Grace like rain falls down on me-That is so God.

Anonymous said...

. I was wondering if you would consider donating to the March of Dimes in honor of Tristan, my preemie. I have a donation badge on my blog on the bottom right and any little amount would be great. We are walking in the March for Babies on May 3rd, here in Oak Ridge, TN.
Thanks and much love!

Amy Wyatt said...

This is so powerful! We should never forget the price he paid. Thank you Jesus for grace.
Thanks for sharing this.

Gumbo Lily said...

It's hard for me to watch, especially when I think He did it for me. But I'm glad, my sins are washed away.

Thanks 'Chele.

Diana said...

There aren't words you know? Thanks for sharing the music and video. I can't imagine life without Christ.