Wednesday, March 05, 2008

My Six Word Life Story

Six word memoirs. An interesting concept, I thought as I was scanning the newest Reader's Digest and came upon a feature about a contest Smith Magazine ran last year asking folks to write their life stories in six words.

Then I sat down with a cuppa java and did a little blog-walking this morning and ran upon this writing exercise that Gumbo Lily did with her teenage sons.

A few of my FAVES that I've read so far:

Bad brakes discovered at high speed. —J. Baumeister (been there...yikes!)

Never really finished anything, except cake. —C. Perkins (can I get an "amen"?!)

I still make coffee for two. —Z. Nelson ( and I drink it all! LOL)

God, coffee, family. In that order. ~Mom (somethings are obvious! :-))

And the one I WISH I would have thought of MYSELF....

Asked to quiet down; spoke louder. - Wendy Lee (if you know understand! LOL)

I tried to write my own with a clever twist, but this is what it all boiled down to.

Lived without Jesus, discovered I can't. - Michele

What is YOUR six word memoir??


Gumbo Lily said...

I loved yours, Michele!!
This was a fun exercise for the kids and I too.


Darcie said...

These might just be funner than Haikus! Very cool!